
I am 17. 

Every day, I revel in the beauty of the life I live. 

I am born and raised in Utah. I love biting cold on my cheeks and I love watching snow pile up. I love swimming in sparse, icy reservoirs and sunbathing at high altitude. 
My family is the most important thing in my life.
I have so many plans for the future - college and traveling and beyond.
My passions are social justice and language and creating things and baking. I love my friends and my dog and my home and my school and my community. 

Every day I am grateful for the life I live. 

This blog started as a school project in 9th grade. In the years since, it's been dormant. But I am back. I'm bringing reflection, learning, education journaling, love, and as always, gratitude. 

Photo: Anna Behrens


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